Pete's Percussion Podcast: Episode 93 - Jeff Barudin

Lindenwood University (MO) Percussion Professor Jeff Barudin stops by to talk about getting the Lindenwood job (01:45), Lindenwood’s athletic prowess and the St. Charles/St. Louis divide (20:55), growing up in NJ and the nature of sports fandom in the Northeast (30:40), going to Penn State for undergrad (56:45), getting the master’s at Michigan (01:09:50), returning there for his doctorate while working with Michael Udow and Pius Cheung (01:30:00), and finishing with the Random Ass Questions (along with some more sportball talk) (01:43:45).

Finishing with a rave on a Radiohead cover band (02:09:30).


Jeff Barudin's homepage

Jeff Barudin's Lindenwood homepage

Jeff Barudin's Innovative Percussion page

Lindenwood's Skeet Shooting Teams

Trinity College Squash

Jerry Sandusky

"Tom Sawyer" - Rush

Lawrence Taylor

Dave Winfield

Don Mattingly


Dan Armstrong

Frederick Fennell

Amy Smith

"Variations on Japanese Children's Songs" - Keiko Abe

"Waltz King" - Bill Molenhof

"Chaconne" - J. S. Bach

"Call of Boromir" - Dan McCarthy

"Northern Lights" - Eric Ewazen

"The Anvil Chorus" - David Lang

Michael Burritt

Douglas Walter

Michael Udow

Michael Gould

Zachary Cairns

Chuck Ricotta

Michael Schutz

Brian Fronzaglia

Brian McNulty

Jimmy McNulty

Olman Piedra

Renee Keller

Carrie Magin

Pius Cheung

Brian Zator

Joseph Gramley

Ian Ding

Jonathan Ovalle

"Rain Tree" - Toru Takemitsu

"One Study One Summary" - John Psathas

"Spider Walk" - Marta Ptaszynska

"Songs from the Wood" - Robert Maggio

"Nairobi, La Nuit" - Alexandre Ouzounoff

"Vermont Counterpoint" - Steve Reich

"Steal the Thunder" - Jean Piche

"Etude in E-flat Minor" - Pius Cheung

"Etude in E Major" - Pius Cheung

"Coyote Dreams" - Michael Udow

The Fifth Element trailer

Deadpool 2 trailer

"Billie Jean" - Michael Jackson

"Scream" - Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson

David Tyree's Helmet Catch

Scott Norwood's Wide Right

Lee Gutterman

Andy Hawkins' no-hitter

"Blue Shades" - Frank Ticheli

"The Whole Toy Laid Down" - Dave Hollinden

The Dark Tower Series - Stephen King

"The Way She Walks" - The Dirty Loops

"Overtime" - Knower

"DNA" - Kendrick Lamar


Meeting People is Easy