Pete's Percussion Podcast: Episode 25 - Laurel Black

@ Percussion podcast co-host and James Madison University Adjunct Percussion Professor Laurel Black talks about her duties at JMU (02:20), the beginnings of the @percussion podcast (08:30), joining the faculty at Concord University (WV) (14:55), teaching and developing her Movement for Musicians class (19:40); growing up in Knoxville, TN (27:35), getting into percussion, piano, singing, and theater (33:45), going to UT-Knoxville for undergrad (51:20), staying a 5th year to get a theater minor (01:00:30), her senior recital (including singing and playing on vibes) (01:03:20), thoughts on University of Tennessee athletics (01:13:35), going to Boston Conservatory for her master’s (01:17:10), when she finds time to read (01:24:40), and gets subjected to some random questions (01:31:05).    

Finishing with a Rave about Tim Harford’s Messy (01:38:00).


Laurel Black's JMU page

Laurel Black's professional homepage

@ Percussion homepage and Youtube page

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